COVID-19: UAE Travel Advisory Update PCR Tests Mandatory for All Inbound Passengers

The UAE has announced that COVID-19 tests will be mandatory for all inbound and transit passengers.

Krystien Meyers
July 23, 2020 1:11 PM

The UAE has announced that COVID-19 tests will be mandatory for all inbound and transit passengers this includes Emiratis, residences, tourists and transit passengers alike that arrive at any of the country's airports. 

The decision will be implemented as of 1st August regardless of other countries regulations, which may include mandatory testing measures at the country of arrival. 

All individuals departing the country towards the European Union, Britan and a number of other countries that require a COVID-19 test, must do so before boarding their respective flights.

Children under 12 and children of determination are exempt from the testing that holds validity for 96 hours from the time of the testing.

NCEMA and MoFAIC highlighted the necessity for all airlines operating in the UAE to comply with these requirements.

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